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Reopening and Covid-19 Response Plan

A Letter From the Principal


As you are aware, our school has now been closed since 12th March, 2020 due to the COVID-19 situation.  We are now hoping to re-open our school safely, in line with current guidance and recommendations.

Re-opening the school safely will require the co-operation of all members of our School Community – BoM, School Leadership, Staff, Parents and Pupils. We will all be called on to play our part in ensuring that re-opening of the school is done in a safe manner which prevents the spread of the virus and allows the vital work of Teaching and Learning to proceed with as little disruption as possible.


The COVID-19 Response Plan for the safe and sustainable reopening of Primary and Special Schools gives details of:

  • Physical preparation, signage, hand sanitiser stations,

  • Advice, procedures and training for the safe return to working in the school for all school staff and pupils

  • General and specific advice on how all pupils, staff, parents and visitors will prevent the spread of the virus


Click here for our COVID-19 Policy Statement.

Click here for the CNG CNS Return to School Action Plan.


Click below for Drop Off & Collection procedures:

Drop off & Collection -Infants

Drop off & Collection -1st to 4th class


Our Board of Management will continue to keep you informed as to any changes to our re-opening plans and provide you with the information required by you to play your part in safely re-opening the school.


Le meas

Deirdre Broderick


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